Had a Gator with no brake pedal issue.
Started looking for a damaged line or rusted out fittting with no luck .
Head scratcher for a bit till I checked the boot on the brake caliper to find the clip pulled out of the end ?

Like this.
A few pics of removal . Pretty easy access.
Take care not to lose the banjo bolt seals.
You might have to remove bolt closest to you to tip up and remove the front one . Mine was pretty tight to the framing.
Remove this screw to get the rest of the cup washer and springs. I keeps the spring under tension to keep the cup in the right location. This bottom section on assembling you will have to push in to reinstall this screw.
Yeah it's buggered up. The clip seat is worn out ,I'm assuming it's from sliding your foot off the brake and letting it slam back up .
Dremell tool saved the day ( fingers crossed )
Cleaned up nice
Test fitted clip. Seems tight a snugged down in the groove now.
Pushing down on first set of spring and cup washer to get screw back in under tension .
Pulled on it a few times. Feels solid.
One thing I did notice is this brake rod wasn't adjusted long enough to prevent this issue.
Before reinstalling I lined up mounting holes and extended rod so it's also lined up. New adjustments extended rod by 1/2 " Shouldn't spring back now putting stress on that clip .
When reassembling master cylinder use clean brake fluid and pour a little in between spring sections. It will make bleeding out he brakes easier.
One man brake bleeder is a tad worn out.
So I'm making a new fancy one using a presure vac pump .
Start of small and move up in bit sizes till hose fits very snugly in lid
Vac side just goes and inch through the lid.
Bleeder side goes to near bottom of jar .
Works great.
Vac from the furthest line away to the closest.
I had to vac from the furthest rear and pump the pedal a few time to bleed the master cylinder same for front side.
Lots of pedal pressure now.