While grinding reels I noticed grease oozing out of one . On closer inspection it looked unusually wet
Easier to remount reel motor to remove hoses .

Elevating the lines will keep them from leaking out hydraulic fluid or you can cap them off.
Cap off fittings before cleaning
A little ZEP and small brushes did a great job .
Instructions say to mark a line across the top
Empty out the hydraulic oil .Shop service manual available on Toro site . Read over the directions before starting .
Put in vise just tight enough to loosen of bolts
Kit from Toro . Most of the time it's just the shaft seal that is gone . I'll take mine apart and check for wear .1900 hrs on this one .
Saving some packing material from deliveries makes a nice clean foam surface to lay out the parts
Remove all the seals . I'll leave one section on gears to keep them in their positions.
Pre lube seals with vasaline ( not something I carry in the shop )but pipe lube works great to .
Install new seals the section ones where a bit hard to get in and have to be almost flush . Otherwise spline will not turn . I also wrapped the sharp splines with Teflon tape to protect the seal when in stalling end caps .
Tighten hand tight and torque to spec in a criss x cross manner a little at a time till you reach 11 to 15 ft.lbs, Re-install on mower and run ..check for leaks . The instructions are great and fairly easy to do .
I knew which reel it was on machine because they are pre-marked before removal . The reel motor in question was cleaned off well and left hanging . Next day you could see the dyed oil leaking out .
Easier to remount reel motor to remove hoses .

Elevating the lines will keep them from leaking out hydraulic fluid or you can cap them off.
Cap off fittings before cleaning
A little ZEP and small brushes did a great job .
Instructions say to mark a line across the top
Put in vise just tight enough to loosen of bolts
Kit from Toro . Most of the time it's just the shaft seal that is gone . I'll take mine apart and check for wear .1900 hrs on this one .
Saving some packing material from deliveries makes a nice clean foam surface to lay out the parts
Remove all the seals . I'll leave one section on gears to keep them in their positions.
Pre lube seals with vasaline ( not something I carry in the shop )but pipe lube works great to .
Install new seals the section ones where a bit hard to get in and have to be almost flush . Otherwise spline will not turn . I also wrapped the sharp splines with Teflon tape to protect the seal when in stalling end caps .
Tighten hand tight and torque to spec in a criss x cross manner a little at a time till you reach 11 to 15 ft.lbs, Re-install on mower and run ..check for leaks . The instructions are great and fairly easy to do .