We use one of 7400 mowers for doing tree side cart path edges . Saves a lot of hand mowing labor . The slope of the cut makes the roller ride on the cart path edge accelerating wear on roller tube . The tube was not available for purchase from the dealer so I gave the rough dimensions to Metals R Us and they were able to match it fairly close .
Spec of tube stock I used .
Worn out roller tube .
Pulling shaft out
Cutting the new tubing at 22"
Make sure ends a squared off
Had to bevel the inside a bit and grind a little out inside before assembling
Piece of rod makes quick work to punch ends off old tube . watch you don't punch in center ruining the inner seal . rotate 180 degrees back and forth and side to side to force it out .
End cap I buffed off any debris
I just pile drive it by hand on a solid surface rotating a quarter turn every hit .
Reinstall shaft etc . and done . All 3 took a few hours but well worth the trouble