First of all I'll mention that there is a kit to elevate the draw in side of air filter for extra dusty conditions . Our Top dresser HDX D has it .
Today I'm moving the air filter box from under the dump bed to somewhere between the seats .
The old filter location attracts a lot of dust and you have to clean the air filter often . Where mostly cart parths here and still it is an issue .
Holding it up in different locations .
Going to use ABS pipe 1.5"( inside ) ridged and puncher proof and is not going to collapse with the extra distance . Mapping a route for pipe avoiding dump bed and any pinch points .
Drilling a test fitting .
had to go a little higher on the final fitting .
after mounting air box run lines in reverse starting off with a mechanical clamp .
using ABS glue fittings . test fitting and marking joints for gluing as I go
Mechanical clamp from hardware plumbing section .
Sanded and blew out all sections
little tic marks to line pipes up for gluing
All done . Clamp to original hose . and zip tie
One more to do . Less than $20 dollars .
Video of final install .